Episode 8 – Chestnuts Roasting

Episode 8 from Dec/Jan ’07/’08:

Before I get into the show description, I apologize that this took so long to get out.  I have 50 different reasons why, but let’s be honest, I wouldn’t accept the excuses so neither should you, the listener have to.  There are some things said that are a little dated.  Like “Merry Christmas”, “Happy New Year”, “How about that light bulb, what a great invention.” etc.  But hopefully, you’ll enjoy it anyway. 

On this long overdue episode of the podcast, Derek from Starkville’s House of El joins me as we talk about everyone’s favorite villain, Heroes – “Villains,”  Infected villains, and the magnificent Dark Knight trailer.  This is a long one, so grab some left over egg nog, and left over turkey sandwiches and settle in for a long winter’s geek out session.

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