Episode 184 – Before The Premiere

Steve is settling in to the new digs. In doing so, there are some changes being made to the GOLiverse. So to see if these things would stick, Steve recorded a quick unannounced live show to post as a test for the behind the scenes things that are changing. There are e-mails, plugs, and a little talk about the Summer […]

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Episode 181 – Pass The Civil War for May 2016

Erich joins Steve to discuss the movies of May. He also has seen Deadpool so the two can now discuss the movie intelligently. Pass the corn features – as has already been said – the movies released in May and culminates in blowing our minds with the anniversary movies for the month. Then, the two dive into Captain America: Civil […]

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Episode 176 – That Geek Feeling Again

It’s an OG GOL (Whatever that means) as Steve takes e-mails, threatens to take calls, gives his reaction to Daredevil Season 2, Batman V Superman, and The Star Wars: Rogue One teaser trailer. Steve bemoans the fact that we missed The THIS IS MADNESS Tournament from starwars.com, and Steve tries to make himself a better podcaster. Also, who’s that guy […]

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