The Paxton Siemian Era Has Begun

The Packers had the week off but that doesn’t mean hosts Joe and Erich are short on material to discuss. The Denver Broncos are 4-0 after winning in Tampa Bay. They did so with rookie first round pick QB Paxton Lynch leading the team for more than half the game as sophomore QB Trevor Siemian watched from the sideline with a bruised shoulder. How did the rookie look? Is there a QB controversy brewing in the mile high city? Joe and Erich discuss that, Aaron and Clay living together, Rex is at it again, quick look at the weekend games, picks for week 5, and their A Wizard Should Know Better moment of the week.

The Super Bowl never ended: How Denver is cruising and Carolina is collapsing. -Bill Barnwell,

Trevor Siemian Learns to Fly – Andy Benoit