Episode 16 – A Podcast Far, Far Away

It’s Star Wars talk on this episode of Geek Out Loud.  (Finally)  I don’t really get to go over everything I want to, so there will be more.   I have foreseen it.  It’s mostly prequel talk and I share my excitement over the upcoming Clone Wars movie.   Also, tons of e-mails and a couple of shout outs.

Among them are my good friend Michael Bailey whose podcast Views From the Longbox a www.viewsfromthelongbox.com, and the newest podcast to hit the nets by Michael Cohen – Frontlines: The Clone Wars Podcast which you can find at www.clonewarspodcast.com.

So check ’em out.

One comment

  • seussghost

    Steve, I just have to say how awesome this podcast was! I’ve been listening to you and Derek on SHoE and SkyNext for awhile, but haven’t ever listened to GOL. Boy, have I been missing out lately!! Listening to you talk about star wars made me feel like I was sitting with a friend I’d known forever shootin’ the bull over our favorite movies.

    Bravo, Steve! Keep up the awesome podcasts!